![]() By writing this article, I place myself at somewhat of a dilemma. On one hand, I find it a rather waste of time to attempt to respond to a man who subsists on spewing hatred, distorting facts, and launching virulent, unfounded attacks on righteous and sincere people. As well I fear that bothering to correspond with a man of your ignorance, contempt, and bad reputation may give you and your like more credibility than you are ever worth. On the other hand, organizations that are founded upon the art of distorting realities, inciting intolerance, and misguiding unsuspecting readers, represent social hazards that I believe must not go uncontested. In this letter, to be posted on the web, I hope to accomplish several things… Mainly, I would like to voice my outrage, disappointment, and protest at the continued thriving existence of hate groups such as the Jewish Defense League, in America today. As a believer in doing something about hate, rather than just complaining about it, I would like to publicize my view to counter the ignorance and contempt spewed by the JDL. I would like to provide the real version of each of the unusual distortions posted by the JDL, lies that have gone unanswered for too long now. I would also like to specifically
respond to your abominable anti-Islamic
In the face of your obsession
with hatred, I will try to contain myself and temporarily subdue my passionate
despise for intolerance and hatred so as to respond with an objective,
straight to the point discussion of certain realities you and your followers
need to know.
Before I discuss such issues; however, I think it is relevant to brief others on what the JDL is, and how it operates.
Note to the Readers: Origins of the JDL I have been a systematic visitor to the Jewish Defense League's web page for more than a year now. I have taken the time to carefully explore each and all of its links with the purpose of forming an accurate and fair opinion about the JDL organization, its members, and its goals. An indisputable fact quickly obtrudes itself: like its predecessor "Kahane Chai" which was outlawed by the U.S. as an official terrorist group, the JDL, as you shall see for yourself, also fits all criteria for a terrorist organization. Both organizations where founded under the auspices of the notorious Rabbi Meir Kahane, who insisted that Jews are a superior race, with special, exclusive God given privileges. A Jewish fundamentalist who serves as the spiritual leader for Jewish supremacist groups such as the JDL, and who is regarded by them as the modern day Messiah, Rabbi Kahane's disregard for non-Jews was overwhelming. (see his web page for verifying all that is said here about him) The JDL was founded by this Rabbi Kahane in 1968. Rabbi Kahane considered non-Jews, as well as moderate Jews, as an obstacle between where Jews are now, and where God allegedly wants them to be. Although using the term "self-defense", he preached that violence was acceptable in subduing non-Jews who stood up and protested such beliefs. At this point, I should affirm that neither the JDL, Irv Rubin, nor the Rabbi Kahane represents the majority of Jews. As the matter of fact, though they are supported by a large enough number of Jewish persons and organizations to keep the JDL going into their 4th decade, the majority of Jews resent the fact that such fundamentalism has encroached upon Judaism. Though Kahane's relentless campaign against non-Jews, as well as moderate Jews, gives me much to hold against him, I will honor the fact that he is dead and cannot respond to my words. In that regard, I will not subjectively assess his character, but rather refer to his own written and signed works. In doing so I believe I do him no injustice as a dead man, since his written works are admittedly his own thoughts. In responding to the notion that revenge is not the solution, Kahane says: "The very opposite is true! No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place. G-d, Himself, is called NOKEM, Avenger: 'The L-rd is a zealous and avenging G-d. The L-rd avenges and is full of wrath.' (Nachum 1:2)". He goes on to say: "It is a great thing!, It is a great mitzvah (good deed) to take revenge". Rabbi Kahane's solution for those non-Jews who have made a home in Palestine for centuries upon centuries was: "they must go"…. My question is: what if they refuse to leave their home, the home of their ancestors; the answer is left to the imagination. Kahane and his followers
ridicule the concept of peace in the Middle East. They insist that Palestinians
are not worthy of cohabiting with Jews, and that they should be thrown
out, dispersed into the neighboring countries. The term Kahane uses is
"transfer out".
Unfortunately, his example is followed by today's generation of Jewish supremacists, headed by Irv Rubin. Not surprisingly, Rabbi Kahane's association with violence ultimately led to his serving several prison terms, and his assassination in 1990. Today, The Jewish Defense League continues to uphold the teachings of the deceased Rabbi Kahane. Under the excuse of defending world Jewry, the JDL indulges in gang like activities that severely undermines its claims as an anti-hate organization. (An interesting fact about the JDL, that should be mentioned at this point, is that though it functions in America, and claims to be American, yet it mentions in its FAQ that "We are fiercely loyal to the state of Israel". How can an organization claiming to defend the rights of Americans, so blatantly admit allegiance to a foreign country.) end
The JDL, and Irv Rubin Mr. Rubin, Today, as the current president of the Jewish Defense League, your inflammatory remarks about "gentiles", and your general attitude towards them, confirm that the JDL has no intention of renouncing the racist agenda with which it began, in 1968, under Kahane. You take advantage of the Jewish Defense League's web site (www.jdl.org) as a platform to present your racist propaganda to the public, relying on the fact that most readers are either too lazy or too uninterested to research the truth. However, since your policy of intolerance, hate, and violence is so self-evident, and since your literature of Jewish supremacy and racism is so unmistakably explicit, many readers find no trouble realizing that the JDL is a self-proclaimed hate group. Nonetheless, other younger or less experienced readers are misguided by your group's viscous lies. The biggest Irony concerning you, a man of many ironies, is that your rhetoric and closed-minded attitude are no different than those of the very white supremacist groups you so passionately condemn; your tactics, no better. Your despise for democracy is self evident. Reading your literature, and listening to your rhetoric, gives one the impression that if it were up to you and your followers, you would abolish the first amendment altogether; better yet, you would reserve it only for fellow ultra orthodox chauvinist Jews. Mr. Rubin, you have personally done more to tarnish your own credibility than I could ever hope to accomplish through my writings. You are completely incapable of carrying out an intellectual conversation, the only way you are capable of expressing yourself is through profanity, violence, and lies. Anyone who sees a need to refer to such gutter level techniques in order to get their point across is simply doing so out of personal insecurity, and a severe lack of intellectual & conversational abilities. Whenever, the JDL grand wizard, Irv Rubin, decrees someone as an infidel, the JDL hooligans led by their cloaked leader then attempt to stalk and harass their victim. Several times, they have foolishly crossed the line, and allowed themselves to physically assault their victims. Consequently, as with all gangs, the JDL has had brushes with the police many times, and possesses numerous criminal records. As with all closed minded extremists, you and your followers do not have the patience to actually consider things for what they are. You are all too content with prematurely defining/judging things in the limited shadows of your own paranoid constructs. To see the world through your eyes is to see a world full of vermin Goyim who are all anti-Semitic, regardless of how persistently they might deny it, and deserving of censor, slander, beatings, or even extermination. If the JDL ever shows any signs of restraint, it is only because they are absolutely forced to do so; but if they were to have it their way, they would waste no time putting out all the "worthless Goyim" that infest the earth. The JDL does not understand that bully techniques consistently employed by Jewish extremists in Israeli Settlements against both secular Jews and Palestinians have no place here in America. For whereas they might get away with such behavior in Israel, this is not the case in America. Your JDL is all too caught up in a crooked fantasy; you are overwhelmed with excitement at the notion of being tough gangster Jews. " We have had enough of being regarded by the Goyim as feeble, nerdy Jews, now its time to show the world that Jews can be pesky bullies" is your theme. "The Galut image of the Jew as a weakling, as one who is easily stepped upon and who does not fight back is an image that must be changed." You send out hate material
to non-Jews and Jews, whom you designate the "infidel" status, ranging
from personal slandering to death threats. On the other hand you honor
and glorify certain rotten personalities, simply because they happen to
be Jewish. For example, the JDL has awarded its Good Image Award to Howard
Stern, a man who makes a living out of pouring his perverted thoughts,
and profane rhetoric on the tender ears of young Americans; a man who is
perpetually indulged, it seems, in the discussion of every sickening topic
known to mankind; a man who is hell bent on dehumanizing and demoralizing
the society in which he lives. Howard Stern's demeanor could not possibly
present a good image to any religion of God, any organization that claims
otherwise is a blasphemous source of misguidance that knows nothing of
religion or God. (I can't
believe you're for real!)
The JDL's emblem is a clenched
fist, embossed within a Star of David. This clenched fist symbolizes the
group's fundamental intent to use physical violence, rather than reason
to get their point across to others. Ye you leave no room for me
to infer that from a logo, you audaciously and explicitly admit to
that, flat out, in your literature: "JDL upholds the principle of
Barzel -- iron -- the need to both move to help Jews everywhere and to
change the Jewish image through sacrifice and all necessary means -- even
strength, force and violence ".
The JDL's Contemptuous Anti-Islamic Sentiments Were Embodied in A Baseless Character Smearing of Dr. Maher Hathout. Mr. Rubin, I have despised the JDL's racist agenda for sometime now. However, the final straw was when I came across your defamatory remarks about Dr. Maher Hathout, A Muslim American physician and educator who was recently hosted at the white house for his reform work. I felt I had to respond, not on Dr. Hathout's behalf (he never authorized me to respond on his behalf, indeed we do not even know each other), but through my capacity as a conscientious reader. I doubt that someone like Dr. Hathout would ever waste his time responding to someone like you. As an Islamic educator, Dr. Maher Hathout is too busy building minds. As an Islamic preacher, he is too busy healing hearts. As an American social activist, he is too busy bridging the gap between America's Islamic community and its Jewish, and Christian communities, the sort of gap you are all too anxious to widen. The sad reality is that it is Dr. Maher Hathout's very preoccupation with such work that incites you to despise him so. Would the JDL that every Muslim leader be an Osama Bin Laden, that he may prove to the world what viscous, fierce creatures Muslims really are. Unfortunately for the JDL, Dr. Hathout's nationally recognized commitment to reason, peaceful discourse, and interfaith cooperation - methods compulsive haters like you know little to nothing of - leave your hopes of painting a barbaric portrait of Muslims crumbling to pieces. Dr. Hathout has worked with many respectable public figures to further his causes, and his appeared on many revered television programs. On the other hand, the Jerry Springer show was about the only show, apart from The Simpsons, that would accept you as a guest. But then again, Jerry Springer is committed to exclusively devoting his panel to America's trash. To say the least, collaboration between Springer and yourself is by no means shocking to me. ( You completely humiliated yourself, and undermined any credibility you still had left, by appearing on the Springer freak show. You took an avid part, involving yourself in the routine physical brawls, and obscene arguments. You apparently thought that your argumentative skills were no match for your toothless KKK opponent and had to resort to physically attacking him... how weak is that! ) In your frustration at finding absolutely nothing against Dr. Hathout, you then resort to your talents: distortion, paranoid exaggeration, and lies. For the ten thousandth time, you flashed out the "anti-semitic" card, an overly exhausted argument that chauvinist, intolerant Jews have long used to disperse attention from certain heinous works they want to go unnoticed. It seems that the criteria for branding someone with this pathetic term is becoming more and more outrageous. According to the JDL, protesting America's severe bombing of a medicine plant in Sudan at the behest of no more than an embarrassed president - who in a desperate attempt to distract attention from his personal problems, causes immeasurable pain and suffering to innocent victims - is now somehow supposed to be anti-Semitic! (that was the basis on which you concluded Dr. Hathout was an anit-semitic criminal). To honestly believe such a thing, you would either have to be demented, or just plain sick. Yet how can protesting the violation of a much smaller and defenseless country or people by a superpower, without due cause, or prior consultation with the United Nations, prompt the JDL to denounce Dr. Hathout? Then again, how can it not? After all, that is exactly the sort of reasoning, the JDl, the Israeli Settlers, and other extremist Jews have come to expect of Israel, and the sort of approach Netanyahu has come to deliver. At the end, I hope that frivolous clowns like yourself do not hinder real people like Dr. Hathout from doing real work.
In the JDL's own words: On Yitzhak Rabin's Assassination: "We feel Yigal Amir (the assassin) wasted his precious life. Taking the life of Rabin was not worth Amir spending the rest of his life in an Israeli prison…. his assassination (Rabin's) gave leftist Jews in Israel a martyr, which they do not deserve." Yitzhak Rabin: Former Prime Minister of Israel who showed willingness to work out peace with his neighbors. Yigal Amir: An ultra-orhodox Jewish terrorist and law student who saw Rabin's efforts for peace as a "sell out" of the Jews, and so resorted to violence by assassinating the unsuspecting Prime Minister during a peace rally. On Baruch Goldstein: "Dr. Goldstein was a brilliant surgeon, a mild-mannered Yeshiva-educated man who was promoted to the rank of major in the IDF. We understand his motivation, his grief and his actions. And we are not ashamed to say that Goldstein was a charter member of the Jewish Defense League." Baruch Goldstein:
an Israeli terrorist, who invaded a mosque during a Muslim holiday and
randomly gunned down worshippers as they prayed. The massacre resulted
in the immediate death of 28, and the injury of many more. The incident
was a greater slap on the face to Israel than to the Palestinians as it
showed in a potent display of reality how the average peaceful Palestinian
could not find protection from the many fully armed Israeli guards plodding
around every street corner. The Hebron Massacre victims were civilians
at their most vulnerable state as they meditated in prayer, Goldstein could
not have been more cowardly. With absolutely no precautions against the
reoccurrence of more random massacres at the hands of Jewish Zealots like
Baruch Goldstein, life in Israel for the majority of Palestinians is no
more fun than a stroll through an active landmine.
Where do Jewish extremists find justification for the hate of Gentiles?? What is Judaism? Judaism, as with Christianity and Islam, is a true religion of God. Its authentic teachings constitute sincere obedience to him, justice amongst mankind, and observance of his law on earth. Judaism as originally revealed to God's prophet Moses, contained nothing that could be understood as an invitation to hate gentiles. Indeed, righteous Jews who obeyed God's laws would serve as human beacons of guidance to people of all races. All three religions basically represent the same underlying principle: submission to God's will. Islam means submission in Arabic. Why religious conflicts? If members of these three faiths are ever in conflict, it is out of their personal vices, which they unjustifiably pin on religion. Terrorists from all three religions, hate mongers, etc. represent a terrible evil as they incite members of these faiths against one another without due cause. In actuality, all three faiths are of one origin, worshipping the one same God. If hate mongers claim otherwise, they should disassociate themselves from these faiths and form their own cult, for these three authentic, and peaceful faiths know no hatred, anger, or contempt.
This article was written by Ahmed Rehab who is solely responsible for its content. *Potential arsenists, assassins, and other cowards should stop asking me for my address, just give me yours and I will gladly come to you, that is a promise. Or you can just nail me at the Spertus Jewish Library, downtown. I am a regular down there, later! Serious questions or comments,
please email: arehab@yahoo.com